

For personal, experimental, prototyping or small side projects lots of ASP.NET developers choose a cheap web hosting supplier like If you are one of these developers using for your projects nothing is stopping you to have a full CI/CD DevOps automated deployment cycle for your websites.

Traditionally the protocol to upload content to this kind of hosting plans is FTP or WebDeploy. Microsoft is offering a great DevOps free tool: Azure Devops. Setting it up is quite easy, just follow the steps after clicking [Start for free] button.

Once you have your Azure Devops project set, you will be able to configure and execute build and release pipelines for free targeting your web hosting plan.


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Span<T> is a new ref struct introduced in C# 7.2 specification. It is a stack-only type that allows memory operations without allocation so, used for instance in very large arrays, it can be a significant performance improvement.

It is only applicable if your code is based from .NET Core 2.1 and .NET Standard 2.1. There are tons of technical documentation available about Span<T>, this post is just going to be focused in a practical demo to compare the performance of the slice method. Span<T> can't work inside Anync methods but you can work around this issue easily creating a non Async local method.

Detailed information can be found in the official Microsoft link:

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